Although brushing your teeth is an essential part of oral care. But some people find the process uncomfortable.  From poking gums to severe tooth pain, there are several reasons why it can hurt when you brush your teeth.

In this article, we’ll explore the numerous reasons teeth hurt and tingle when you brush them and remedies for these problems.

Why Does It Hurt When I Brush My Teeth? Common Teeth Problems

Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity is one of the most typical reasons for pain while brushing. This happens when dental decay, receding gums, or excessive brushing exposes the dentin (the layer under the enamel).

The tooth’s nerve endings become exposed, leading to sharp pain when exposed to hot or cold temperatures, or acidic foods. The risk of dentin exposure and sensitivity is decreased by using desensitizing toothpaste or getting fluoride treatment for sensitive teeth.

Gum Problems

Gum problems such as gingivitis or periodontitis can cause pain and sensitivity when brushing. These disorders lead to gum inflammation, which can make brushing or flossing uncomfortable.

However, massaging the gums might feel good and encourage blood flow, both of which can lead to better overall gum health. Additionally, mouthwash for root canal pain can also be beneficial.

New Toothbrush

There could be a number of reasons why your gums hurt after brushing with a new toothbrush. Too-hard bristles can hurt and irritate the gums, causing swelling and bleeding. A toothbrush with softer bristles can be used to solve this problem.

Tooth Bonding

tooth bonding for sensitive teeth is another solution. In this process, a resin material is applied to the tooth’s surface to cover any exposed dentin and reduce sensitivity. This procedure does not cause any pain. It can also be completed in a single visit to the dentist.


Also, flossing might hurt your teeth, particularly if done incorrectly or forcefully. In some cases, it may even result in toothache or lingering pain. To avoid gum issues and tooth pain, proper flossing methods are important.

Clenching Teeth

Tooth sensitivity can also result from teeth clenching. Clenching your teeth can cause the enamel to erode. It exposes the dentin and increases sensitivity. Clenching can be reduced by using a mouth guard or addressing stress-related issues.

Eating Habits

Tooth pain can also be caused by eating habits. Sugary or acidic foods should be avoided to reduce sensitivity and stop tooth decay. Pain might be lessened by eating soft foods or avoiding the injured area.

Exposure of Tooth Root or Dentin

Tooth discomfort can also result from the dentin or tooth root being exposed. This is frequently brought on by gum disease, dental decay, or trauma. In these situations, seeing a dentist is essential to stop further injury and relieve pain.


Can Flossing Cause Toothache?

Flossing can cause toothache if done improperly or too aggressively. Too much force can cause the floss to snap against the gum line, leading to pain and bleeding. To avoid toothaches and gum issues, proper flossing methods are important.

Why Do My Gums Hurt When I Brush My Teeth?

Gum disease, improper brushing methods, a new toothbrush with hard bristles, and other conditions can all contribute to gum pain while brushing. It might also be brought on by nutritional deficiencies or hormonal changes. Gum discomfort can be reduced by utilizing the appropriate brushing techniques and switching to a toothbrush with softer bristles.

Can Clenching Teeth Cause Tooth Sensitivity?

Clenching teeth can cause tooth sensitivity by wearing down the enamel and exposing the dentin. This may result in pain and increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. Tooth discomfort can be avoided by wearing a mouth guard or treating stress-related disorders.

Does Fluoride Help with Sensitivity?

By strengthening enamel and lowering the chance of dentin exposure, fluoride can help with sensitivity. dental decay can be avoided and dental sensitivity can be reduced using fluoride treatments or fluoridated toothpaste.

What to Eat When You Have Tooth Pain?

Eating soft foods and avoiding the affected area can help reduce tooth pain. Avoiding acidic or sugary foods can also help alleviate sensitivity and prevent tooth decay.

Why Do the Back of My Teeth Feel Sharp?

The back of teeth feeling sharp could be due to enamel erosion or tooth decay. The enamel may have been worn away as a result of teeth grinding or clenching. You should visit our dentists at Smile Sky Family Dental to address the problem to stop further damage.

How Long Do Sensitive Teeth Last?

The underlying cause will determine how long your teeth will be sensitive. It often lasts for a few days to a week if it is caused by temporary sensitivity following dental operations. However, it can linger longer and calls for quick dental care if it’s brought on by gum disease or tooth decay.


Tooth pain while brushing can be uncomfortable and can lead to other dental issues. Tooth pain can be avoided and treated with good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups.

Additionally, treating gum issues, getting fluoride treatment, and using desensitizing toothpaste will lessen tooth sensitivity.

If you have persistent pain or severe tooth pain, get in touch with Smile Sky Family Dental today. Our team of professionals is well-equipped to handle all your dental problems. Together we can stop additional harm.

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