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How Long Does a Tooth Last After a Root Canal

Oral health plays an important role in overall well-being. Root canals are a common procedure to deal with dental issues. It can help save teeth and also reduce pain. However, patients often wonder about the longevity of a tooth after the procedure takes place.


Root Canal Common Concerns

Let’s delve into the duration a tooth can last post-root canal.


How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

A root canal is a dental procedure aimed at removing infected pulp from inside a tooth. The duration of a root canal can vary. Several factors influence it such as the tooth’s location and complexity. 


Generally, a front tooth’s root canal may be quicker than one on a molar due to differences in tooth structure and accessibility.


Do Root Canals Last Forever?

This is a very common question. While a root canal can significantly extend the life of a tooth, it might not be a permanent solution. With proper care and oral hygiene, a tooth that has undergone a root canal can last a lifetime. 


However, circumstances such as reinfection, cracks, or inadequate restoration can impact the longevity of the treatment.


How Long Does a Root Canal Last with a Crown?


After a root canal, dentists often recommend placing a crown. The purpose is to protect and strengthen the treated tooth. A crown can enhance the tooth’s durability and function, potentially allowing it to last for many years.


How Long is a Root Canal Appointment?

The duration of a root canal appointment depends on factors like the tooth’s condition and the complexity of the root canal. On average, it may take around 90 minutes to 2 hours.


How Long Does It Take for a Root Canal Procedure?

The time taken for a root canal procedure varies depending on the specifics of the case. Factors like the tooth’s location, the number of canals, and the extent of infection can influence the procedure’s duration. 


A dentist can provide a more accurate estimate after evaluating your situation.



How long does root canal on front tooth take?

The procedure on the front tooth may take about 60 to 90 minutes on average.


How long does a root canal take on a molar?

A root canal on a molar, which generally has more complex roots, may take around 90 minutes to 2 hours.


How long does it take for a root canal procedure?

The duration of a root canal procedure can vary, but it typically ranges from 60 to 120 minutes.



A root canal can save a tooth that might otherwise require extraction, preserving your natural smile. While the question of how long a tooth lasts lacks a one-size-fits-all answer, proper care, and routine dental visits are vital for ensuring its longevity.


If you’re considering a root canal or have concerns about a previously treated tooth, the dental experts at Smile Sky Family Dental can provide guidance and professional care. Remember, a root canal, coupled with consistent oral hygiene, can help you enjoy a healthy smile for years to come.