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A True Dental Emergency

What Is A True Dental Emergency- A Detailed Guide

A true dental emergency has a lot of common warning signs. They include severe toothaches, broken or chipped teeth, and swelling in or around the mouth or jaws. Along with difficulty breathing due to an infection, bleeding gums, and trauma to the face or mouth.

 When it comes to dental emergencies, it’s important to be aware of the signs that something is wrong. If you experience any of these symptoms, seeking help is important. 

Types Of Dental Emergencies 

Here are the common types of dental emergencies: 


  • Tooth ache 
  • Lost filling 
  • Serious infection 
  • Emergency gum treatment 
  • Broken or knocked-out tooth 
  • Damaged braces or wires

A Dental emergency can occur without warning. It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms that might indicate a true emergency.

Tooth Ache

If you experience tooth pain that is persistent, you might be experiencing a dental emergency. If the pain worsens over time or is accompanied by swelling, fever, or difficulty breathing, it’s important to seek help immediately. 

Lost Filling

Is a lost filling a dental emergency? Yes, A lost filling is a dental emergency that is caused by sudden breakage or wear and tear. If left untreated, it can cause serious damage to the tooth and lead to further complications. 

A more permanent solution to a lost filling is a dental crown. 

Serious Infection

A serious infection is a life-threatening dental emergency. It originates in the mouth and can spread to other parts of the body quickly. This causes serious health complications.

Symptoms of an infection include fever, sore throat, difficulty breathing, and swelling. This situation can lead to an emergency gum treatment which may even include emergency gum surgery.

Broken Or Knocked-Out Tooth


Broken teeth can cause severe pain and damage the underlying structures of your mouth. If you are going for a checkup, make sure to rinse the area with warm water to reduce swelling. You can also try and use a cold compress. 

Damaged Braces Or Wires 

Damaged Braces or Wires Broken braces or wires can cause cuts, abrasions, and other damage to the soft tissues of your mouth. It is important to get checked if you experience any type of discomfort due to damaged braces or wires. 

Ways To Deal With A Dental Emergency 

By understanding what a true dental emergency is, you can handle it in a much better way. Here are some ways how you can deal with a dental emergency:

• Contact your dental office immediately 

• Rinse the affected area with warm water 

• Use a cold compress to reduce swelling 

• Do not take medication for pain relief without consulting a dentist first. 

• Follow any instructions given by your dental professional. 

Emergency Dental Procedures

These procedures are designed to provide immediate relief from pain and other dental emergency symptoms. Emergency treatments may include filling replacement, root canal therapy, antibiotics, or even oral surgery

But this depends on the situation. It’s important to remember that emergency dental procedures are designed to provide immediate relief. They are not a substitute for regular preventive care. Regular checkups can help identify potential issues before they become emergency situations. 


An Emergency Dental Exam!

An emergency dental exam is a quick assessment of your teeth and mouth to determine the cause and severity of an emergency. During this exam, you will be asked questions about your symptoms.

It also includes the examination of the area for signs of infection or other complications. The dentist might take X-rays if necessary, and provide treatment options. It is wise to schedule an emergency dental exam as soon as possible. 

Emergency Dentist Appointment Cost

The emergency dentist appointment depends on the type and severity of your emergency. Discussing the fees beforehand will help you plan your finances accordingly. Your dentist may charge a fee for emergency treatments, such as fillings or extractions. Emergency dental care is mostly covered by insurance plans.

However, you may need to pay out of pocket for emergency procedures. Contact your insurance provider to determine your plan’s coverage and eligibility requirements. 

What Is A Pediatric Dental Emergency


A pediatric dental emergency is any type of dental issue requiring immediate attention for a child under 18. This can include severe toothache, fractured teeth, soft tissue injury, or infection. If your child is experiencing any symptoms of a dental emergency, seek help immediately.  

What Is The Most Common Dental Emergency?

The most common dental emergency is a toothache. Toothaches can range from mild to severe and can be caused by numerous factors including cavities, gum disease, or an infection. Experiencing a toothache for a prolonged time can indicate a serious underlying issue. 

Dental Emergency FAQs


Is a root canal considered an emergency?

No, a root canal is typically not considered an emergency. However, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible if you are experiencing pain or other symptoms. If the pain is unbearable, contact your dentist right away or visit an emergency room for immediate attention. 

Is a toothache a dental emergency?

Yes, a toothache is usually considered a dental emergency. It is best to treat it as soon as possible because it can indicate a more serious underlying issue. 

Can you go to a different dentist for an emergency?

Yes, you can go to a different dentist for an emergency. If your regular dentist is not available or they can’t provide the type of care you need, you can seek out another dentist in the area who can provide emergency treatment. Be sure to ask about their availability and fees upfront so that there are no surprises.

Does an emergency dentist cost more?

Yes, an emergency dentist typically does cost more than a regular visit. The fees for an emergency visit usually depend on the severity of your condition and the type of treatment needed. Be sure to ask about pricing upfront so that you are aware of any additional costs before receiving treatment. 

Is a broken filling an emergency?

Yes, a broken filling is considered a dental emergency and must be attended to immediately. The longer you wait, the more damage can occur. Which is why it is important to seek out treatment right away. 

How to make an emergency dentist appointment?

To make an emergency dentist appointment, call your local dental office or check online for available openings. Many dentists offer same-day appointments. Make sure to inquire about this if you need immediate attention. Additionally, if the pain is unbearable and requires urgent care, go to your nearest hospital or seek help from an emergency room right away.



It’s important to remember that not all dental issues require immediate attention. If you experience minor discomfort or sensitivity, it may be best to wait until your regular appointment. However, if the pain is severe or you are in any kind of danger, get in touch with us right away!

Now that you know what a true dental emergency comprises, you can make sure you get timely help. If you experience any of the symptoms described above or suspect that your situation is serious, don’t hesitate to seek help from our dental team at Smile Sky Family Dental.  Our team is a group of professionals who are just a call away to solve all your dental nightmares.